Private company "’ALGOS" d.o.o. was registered in 2007 in the Primary Court of Banja Luka, pursuant to applicable laws and has more than 12 years of experience. "ALGOS" Ltd. is a 100% privately owned.
Management structure
We are expanding a strong network of external experts and consultants in various areas of relevant expertise. In its work, ALGOS follows the principles of team work, partnership and continuous capacity building. We highly appreciate creativity, flexibility, transparency, accountability, transfer of knowledge, and the principles of humanity and respect for human dignity.
Key skills of the organization are:
- The company and part of the employees are certified experts in the area of energy efficiency
- Expertise of staff - experts in EE and environmental protection
- Knowledge required for the preparation of documentation in the area of environmental protection, EE & RES and strategic planning
- Specialized equipment required to perform technical services in the area of EE
- Ability to organize quickly for new activities
- Mobility
- Ability to realize large and complex projects and experience in project cycle management
- To design, implement and supervise projects in the area of EE & RES
- Team work
- The ability to network various experts in the field of EE and RES
- Developed knowledge base that can be used in public hearings on relevant topics
- A well-developed financial administrative system
- Ability to find funding sources for significant projects
of expert and development planning documents
Education and consulting
individuals, institutions and firms
Preparation and conducting
detailed energy audits and certification of buildings
of economic-financial analysis
of Works
Measuring and preparation
of reports on the energy status of elements of buildings, plants and systems and their emissions into the environment
Over the years, ALGOS d.o.o. Banja Luka and its full-time employees-experts have gained significant experience and knowledge in numerous fields including all those directly relevant to this assignment.
At the same time, our staff-experts have extensive experience and skills for communication and cooperation with various decision makers and other stakeholders in all relevant sectors (spatial planning, construction, environmental protection, education, health, social protection, work, etc.) and at all vertical levels of public administration competence.
Detail Energy Audits in public buildings - Bijeljina City
Preparation of energy audits for the energy certification of the public buildings (5 primary schools)
Development of ISEE (Energy Efficiency Information System of Republika Srpska) - Ministry of Physical Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of Republika Srpska
Preparation of conceptual solution and methodology for the development of the Energy Efficiency Information System of Republika Srpska
Energy Management training of public sector at state level of BiH - UNDP BiH, GED project
Training of appointed energy managers at state level of BiH (public institutions)
Energy management introduction at the Republika Srpska level (public institutions) - Fund for environmental protection and energy efficiency of Republic of Srpska
Education of staff in institutions at Republika Srpska level about Energy Management System introduction, national legal framework in the field of EE and obligations of EU directives.
Detail Energy Audits in public buildings - "ENOVA" d.o.o. Sarajevo
Quality Assurance over Performance of comprehensive detailed energy audits, audits for energy certificate and preparation of BoQs for identified energy measures on rehabilitation of 150 public buildings in Republika Srpska
Technical design for the retrofitting in public buildings - Ministry of Physical Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of Republika Srpska
Preparation of technical design for retrofitting of 40 public buildings
Detail Energy Audits in public buildings - UNDP BiH
Preparation of energy audits for 10 public buildings in BiH
Detail Energy Audits in public lighting systems - UNDP BiH
Preparation of energy audits for the 20 municipalities in public lighting systems
Our Team
We realize the importance and the critical mission that this project should fulfil, thus we have chosen an implementation team that is able to understand the particular needs of the stakeholders and able to respond in an efficient manner to all the requests of the project. With a large number of internal staff available skilled in development, implementing, training and support of similar systems, we selected for this project a team of experienced specialists.
Architect engineering
- License for energy audit of buildings - Architecture - License for the preparation of technical documentation and supervision - Architecture - License to performing of work and supervision - Architecture
Construction engineering
- License for energy audit of buildings - Construction - License for the preparation of technical documentation and supervision – Construction - License to performing of work and supervision – Construction
Mechanical engineering
- License for energy audit of buildings - License for the preparation of technical documentation and supervision – HVAC systems - License to performing of work and supervision – HVAC systems
ISO 50001
- License for Lead energy auditor
- Certified Investment Manager - Authorized Court Expert - Certified Appraiser
Contact us
Miše Stupara br.4
Banja Luka 78000
Bosnia and Herzegovina